Below we have compiled information from our 2020 Isotope User Meetings including the recording of each meeting and PDF's of the presentations. To access the recordings, click the links below.
Oak Ridge Ra-224/Pb-212 Generator Production by Roy Copping, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Preclinical Evaluation of Synergistic Anti-tumor Effect from the Combination of Pb-212 Alpha-radiation and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors by Dr. Mengshi Li, Viewpoint Molecular Targeting, Inc.
Preclinical Evaluation of Pb-212-based Radiopharmaceutical Therapy of Prostate Cancer by Sangeeta Ray, Johns Hopkins University
Pb-212-Alphamedix Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT): A Potential Breakthrough in Treatment of Metastatic SSTR Expressing NET by Dr. Ebrahim Delpassand, RadioMedix Inc.
Recent Activities in Pb-212 Generator Development at PNNL by Matt O'Hara, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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