Research Acknowledgment Statement

The DOE Isotope Program requires that researchers whose workResearch Acknowledgement Statement is funded by the DOE Isotope Program OR who receive research pricing for an isotope, include the DOE Isotope Program in the research acknowledgment statement of their published work.

The DOE Isotope Program provides isotopes used for research at a reduced price to facilitate the research effort. 

The following language is recommended depending on the funding source:

If DOE IP is funding the work use:

  • “This research is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program, managed by the Office of Science for Isotope R&D and Production.”

If you received research pricing for an isotope, but DOE IP is not funding the work use:

  • “The isotope(s) used in this research was supplied by the U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program, managed by the Office of Science for Isotope R&D and Production.”

As a reminder, a signed Isotope Research and Development Declaration is a certification that the researcher agrees to acknowledge the U.S. DOE Isotope Program as the provider of the isotope(s) used in the research in any and all subsequent publications and presentations.