The U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program (DOE IP) has ramped up production of high specific activity cadmium-109 (Cd-109) to address a recent surge in demand as end users seek to diversify their supply chains.
Most commonly used as a source for X-ray fluorescence imaging and in environmental research, Cd-109 (half-life of 461.4 days to silver-109) is produced at the Isotope Production Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory through the proton bombardment of an indium target. The specific activity is expected to be >50 Ci/g. It also possesses a radionuclidic purity of >99% (excluding Cd-113m and Cd-115m).
Cadmium-109 can be ordered in mCi quantities as cadmium (II) in 0.1 N HCl. To request your quote for Cd-109, please click this link.