On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the DOE IP held a Virtual Roundtable on Accelerator-Produced Ac-225 with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). As the DOE IP is increasing routine supply of Ac-225, one production method is irradiation of thorium with high energy protons to produce Ac-225 through spallation which has the ability to produce significant quantities of Ac-225. This method co-produces Ac-227 that is ≤ 2% of total activity at time of product release. Users of this Ac-225 product are reporting tremendous labeling and research successes. The growing community of customers have questions regarding the regulatory landscape for using this material in their research. In response, the DOE IP hosted a virtual roundtable where the DOE IP and the NRC presented information related to accelerator-produced Ac-225 followed by a Q&A.