The DOE IP Isotope Program Response to COVID-19

Image of COVID-19 Virus

Image of COVID-19 Virus

Isotope Production classified ESSENTIAL FUNCTION at DOE National Laboratories and associated activities are being maintained

Currently, all DOE IP and NIDC operations are proceeding with no interruptions to customer orders. All operations are implementing CDC advised precautions to avoid spreading the COVID-19 virus. Staff are practicing social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting work areas, adhering to advised hygiene practices and where possible working remotely.


Orders in Progress

If you are a current customer and have questions regarding your contract or need to make adjustments to your scheduled isotope shipments, please contact us to discuss any issues. We will work to address your concerns and will gladly do what we can to make sure your needs are met. There will be no penalties for changes to contracts due to COVID-19 impacts.

Contact us


COVID-19 Impact to Isotope Supply Chains

We are closely monitoring international isotope supply ad demand. We are assessing production capabilities and preparing to ramp-up production for critical isotopes if a shortage should occur in the coming weeks or months. If you have concerns about the stability of an isotope supply chain, please bring your concerns to our attention.

I am concerned about an isotope supply chain


Reaching Out to Domestic Isotope Suppliers

If you are a producer of isotopes in the United States and are being negatively impacted by COVID-19, let us know. If we have the capability to produce that isotope, we might be able to help.

I am concerned about my business and ability to meet demand