Isotope Program Sr-89 Samples Available for Evaluation

The DOE Isotope Program is developing production of strontium-89 (Sr-89) and will engage in routine production if there is sufficient demand. The National Isotope Development Center is planning to have millicurie quantities of non-GMP strontium-89 (Sr-89) solution available for evaluation by potential users. The distribution of samples is planned for mid-January, 2016. Please reply to to make arrangements if you are interested in receiving a sample.

Specifications for the sample material are predicted to be:


strontium chloride (SrCl2)

Radionuclidic purity:


Radioactive concentration: 

>10 mCi/mL

Sr content:

<100 mg/mL


0.1 M HCl



Specific activity: 

>0.1 Ci/g

Total gamma-ray impurities:

<1% (Eu-154, Eu-155, Co-60 <1x10-3%)

Total content of Sr-90:

<2x10-4 %