ISOTOPE AVAILABLITY ALERT: Lutetium-177 Produced at MURR Available through the DOE Isotope Program

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The U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program is pleased to announce the availability of lutetium-177 (Lu-177) for distribution through our partnership with the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR). Lu-177 is a radioisotope commonly used for research in cancer treatment and has a half-live of 6.65 days. The product, Lu-177 chloride solution (0.05M HCl), has a specific activity of ≥20 Ci/mg and a radioisotopic purity of ≥99% at the time of production. There is a minimum charge per order of 25 mCi (less activity can be ordered, but 25 mCi is the minimum charge).
For applications requiring a higher specific activity, DOE also takes special requests for ≥50 Ci/mg Lu-177 (at the time of production) produced at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Production and delivery times will be dependent on HFIR’s predetermined production cycles.
Quotation requests for Lu-177 may be placed using the National Isotope Development Center’s Online Catalog of Isotope Products.