Our NIDC News reports the latest developments in U.S. Department of Energy’s isotope production efforts, university partnerships, facility improvements, staff news, and other notable center activities as they occur. Stay Connected

June 15, 2023
A collective of nation states have come together for the benefit of humanity with the World Astatine Community (WAC). Unveiled at the 12th International Symposium for Targeted Alpha Therapy, representatives from United States, Japan, and the European Union (EU) announced a collaborative effort to share astatine production technology for the advancement of science and healthcare. The U.S. was…

June 12, 2023
The DOE Isotope Program (DOE IP) produces critical isotopes in short supply to promote U.S. economic resilience and the nation’s technical and scientific strengths on a global stage. This position is for a Program Manager for Alternate Isotope Production in the Office of Isotope R&D and Production (DOE IP), Office of Science, Department of Energy. As an Interdisciplinary General Engineer/…

June 2, 2023
Join us for the DOE Isotope Program Overview presentation and breakfast on Monday, June 26 at 7:00 a.m. in room E451a at McCormick Place. The director of the Isotope Program, Dr. Jehanne Gillo, will present an overview of the program, discuss isotope availability, planned development efforts and how current world events are affecting isotope supply chains.
Register for…

May 5, 2023
The DOE Office of Science is excited to announce a new Funding Opportunity for Research, Development, and Training in Isotope Production (DE-FOA-0003063).
The mission of the DOE SC program in Isotope R&D and Production, referred to as the DOE Isotope Program (DOE IP), is to produce and distribute critical radioactive and enriched stable isotopes that are in short supply. DOE IP…

May 4, 2023
The Fermi Award is a Presidential award and is one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology honors bestowed by the U.S. Government. The Enrico Fermi Award is given to encourage excellence in research in energy science and technology benefiting mankind; to recognize scientists, engineers, and science policymakers who have given unstintingly over their careers…

May 2, 2023
Thank you, Kristian Myhre
The DOE Isotope Program (DOE IP) is saying farewell and thank you to Technical Advisor, Dr. Kristian Myhre. While we are all sad to say goodbye, we are appreciative of the work he has done for the Isotope Program. We wish you all the best in your future!
Dr. Kristian Myhre joined the DOE IP as a Technical Advisor in 2021 as a national lab detailee.…

April 25, 2023
Since 2014, the DOE Isotope Program has sponsored the Tri-Lab research effort to provide accelerator-produced Ac-225 for radiotherapy. Thorium-232 targets are irradiated in proton accelerators at Los Alamos and Brookhaven national laboratories, then shipped to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which performs chemical processing and Ac-225 separation. This…

April 18, 2023
The DOE IP invites you to join us for virtual "one-on-one" stakeholder meetings on May 23, May 24 and May 31, 2023. These meetings offer an excellent opportunity for companies and institutions to discuss isotope supply and demand firsthand with the federal DOE IP director, federal DOE program managers, and the NIDC staff. We are looking forward to insightful discussions with the…

March 28, 2023
Two scientists supported by the Department of Energy Isotope Program have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Stosh Kozimor, who serves as principal investigator for the Office of Science Heavy Element Chemistry Program and works with the Isotope Production team at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Dr. Sandra Davern, who leads the Radioisotope…

March 9, 2023
Interested in learning about the regulatory landscape for using the DOE Isotope Program’s (DOE IP) accelerator-produced Ac-225 in your research? Please join us on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 2-4 p.m. (Eastern) for the DOE IP Virtual Roundtable on Accelerator-Produced Ac-225 with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
The DOE IP is increasing routine supply of Ac-225. One…