DOE Isotope Program Highlights

News highlights from all participating national laboratories, university facilities, and other research institutions which feature work from the U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program can be found here.

ORNL materials processing researcher Mike Zach. Image credit: Carlos Jones, ORNL

How Do You Want Your Isotope?

Stable isotopes require expert handling before they go to end users.
Radiochemical technicians David Denton and Karen Murphy use hot cell manipulators at Oak Ridge National Laboratory during the production of actinium-227.

Improving Isotope Supply for a Cancer-Fighting Drug

Recycled medical devices, diverted from going to a special landfill, supply the key ingredient in a drug that treats prostate cancer.
With Cathy Cutler, recipient of the 2019 Town of Brookhaven (TOB) Women in Science Award are, from left, Edward Romaine, TOB Supervisor; Dan Panico, Councilman (District 6); and Louis Marcoccia, TOB Receiver of Taxes. Cutler received the award for her scientific accomplishments in the field of radioisotopes. She was honored at a ceremony held at Brookhaven Town Hall on March 21.

Cathy Cutler Wins Brookhaven Town's 2019 Women in Science Recognition Award

Cathy Cutler, Director of the Medical Isotope Research & Production program at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, was honored for her scientific accomplishments.
Y-12 Calutrons

ORNL's Enriching Isotopes Again

Oak Ridge National Laboratory will once again be producing an array of nearly pure, stable, nonradioactive isotopes with uses ranging from treating cancer and medical imaging to keeping airports safe.